Confessions of a Network Expert

  • AI does not reason

    Not only does AI not reason, the way current AI are built and trained cannot possibly reason. This dialogue was run today, Fri Jun 21, using the latest publicly available ChatGPT-4o edition. This is based on a post I saw on Facebook today. Of course, there are three ‘r’s in “strawberries” and everyone knows it.…

  • Keeping a software engineering journal

    On the software projects I’m working on right now, I am keeping a daily journal. Think of it as a diary – each day, I write down my thoughts about what I’m working on – if I need to make a decision I can write down my analysis of the options and ramifications of the…

  • SIP Security in 2023

    International toll fraud continues to be a huge source of risk and uncompensated costs to Communication Service Providers (CSPs) and Enterprise in 2023. It is reported that in 2021, International Revenue Share Fraud (IRSF) and other toll fraud cost the communications industry $6.69 Billion. (Well, it cost a part of the industry that much, other…

  • Replacement for Google Domains

    As noted in a previous article, Google Domains is selling its domain name registration and web site hosting business to SquareSpace, aka Verisign. Having had a few weeks to check out SqaureSpace, we determined it wasn’t a good fit for us and our carrier / enterprise clients. Why? First, SquareSpace is specifically targeted to the…

  • Google Domains – sold to SquareSpace

    We had previously chosen Google Domains as a Domain Registrar and DNS hosting partner partly on the basis that Google Domains was a solid technology platform, and, basically non-competitive to our interests or those of our customers. Google certainly does web site hosting, but, only in its narrow “WIX” kind of way. With this sale…

  • Scaling your ISP Business

    It’s not enough to throw together a Linux service and install some open-source software. To have infrastructure your customer’s uptime can depend on, you need to understand how to build reliable, redundant, distributed systems that can survive server failures, power outages, disk corruption, and internet outages. And the experts at ISP Services know how to…